Kiran having a nightmare: It's too big, it's too big! The cat. The man.
Mommy: What's too big?"
Kiran: The blanket's too big. The man with the cat put the blanket on my head and he didn't say sorry.
Kiran, after consoling by Mommy: Sometime can we make him come back to our house and say sorry?
Kiran on discovering a three-way light switch: That's confusing; you have to push it down to turn the light on.
Kiran, sharing a room with the already sleeping Jackson after late night New Year's Eve at Uncle Roy's house: Mommy, nobody said 'Who's there?'
Mommy: What?
Kiran: Nobody said 'Who's there?' I said 'Knock, knock' so many times and nobody said 'Who's there?
Jackson, arguing with Kiran: Just let me win! This is the nice thing; letting me win.
Jackson: Clear and blue are the wash away sin Baptist colors.
Me: Huh?
Jackson: For water.
Note: I think he means baptism, not Baptist.
Kiran: (listening to Kid's Praise music in the car) Mommy, I want to follow Jesus.
Clarice: Really. That means you want to be obedient to what He teaches. Are you ready to do that?
Kiran: Yeah. Can you drive me to Jesus so I can follow Him?