Thursday, May 28, 2009

The sweetest thing...

It happens quite often.

Two chubby hands joined affectionately.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Jackson Sings Happy Birthday

It was my mom's birthday last week. So Jackson sent some birthday greetings.

Filthy Little Street Urchin

Kiran's eating finger foods now. That means she has to try to get food from her tray to her mouth. Sometimes it makes it into her mouth. Most of the time she gets pretty filthy.

She's also learning how to move around. Problem is, she hasn't mastered crawling yet. So she's doing this inchworm/commando crawl. And she loves being outside at school. The ground outside doesn't get the nightly bleach applications standard of the floor inside.

That was a brand new shirt this morning.

Sometimes after we bring her home from school, we just want to throw her in the washer.

She thinks that's a funny idea too.
