Here's an updated picture of Junior at 23 weeks. It's the second ultrasound we've had since the family jewels formed. I went in again because the ultrasound technician couldn't get a good picture of his face. He kept putting his hand over his mouth and nose. Can you believe it? He's probably going to be a thumbsucker! But I'll take care of that before any orthodontic problems emerge. Anyway, she double-checked his gender. This time I got a good view of his twig and berries, which I won't display to preserve his privacy.
We want some help with his name and thought we'd poll for your thoughts. We want him to have a name that is a derivative of John. Ian's dad is essentially the third John. And Ian is Scottish for John. So we want to follow this family tradition of naming the firstborn son John. Plus, we like what it means - "God's gracious gift." He really is a gift to us.
So here are some options from around the world:
Ivan Eyre (Russian)
Jackson or Jaxon Eyre (British)
Juan or Juancho Eyre (Spanish)
Handel or Johannes Eyre (German)
Yuek-Hon or Yue-Han Eyre (Chinese)
Hanus or Honza Eyre (Czeck) - probably not Hanus (Hey, Hanus the anus!!)
Keoni Eyre (Hawaiian)
Ewan Eyre (Welsh)
Gino or Giovanni Eyre (Italian)
Jensen Eyre (Scandanavian)
Jukka Eyre (Finnish)
Jantzen Eyre (Danish)
And of course, there's Sean, Shane, Zane, Jean, Jack...but we're trying for at least 2 syllables to go with the monosyllabic Eyre and trying to avoid anything that sounds like Jane Eyre.
Right now, our favorites are Ivan and Jaxon. What do you think?
i'm partial to chinese and spanish...how abt "Won Cho"...guess that could be Korean as well...have fun deciding!
My favorite on your list is also Jackson/Jaxon.
Ivan, I say Ivan.
Conroy James Eyre - Conroy means "landowner" in Irish. So at least the kid will have some real estate.
Anton James Eyre - although he'll end up being Anton Eyre - and I just don't know how that really sounds.
I also like the name Declan alot. (Yes, still with the Irish thing) He was a 6th century saint or something like that. Declan James Eyre?
Donno why I'm stuck on the James thing?!
I like Ivan. It sounds classical, sort of British. It has two syllables. It has all the letters of Ian in it. So that's what I would vote for.
Uh, mish...Lovely choices all, but none of them are John derivatives. Ian will be struck with silence until he can utter the words "His name is John"
How about London? Hot?
I actually like Ivan too...like mom, like daughter...lol.
Hi Clarice, it's me Juli (Mel's friend from CEFC). I can't resist a name topic! I found this name online (near the John related names).
Johnavan: From the family of John.
Johnavan Eyre. It's John, unique, and almost familiar cuz it almost sounds like Jonathan.
Juli's suggestion is kind of neat and an added bonus is that it sounds like someone saying Jonathan with a Chinese accent
Johnavan? Is that kinda like Anfernee?
BTW, thanks for stopping by, Juli!!
Thanks! Well I saw it more like John & Ivan put together
I love ANFERNEE. Why can't we just go with that!
Woopers, didn't know it had to be a John derivative. Back to the drawing board :)
Moon Unit?
You are in Hollywood, after all.
How come no one is voting for Jaxon? I just get visions of Ivan Lendl or the boxer in Rocky IV.
Jackson Eyre sounds really cool. And try to resist these tempting ones: Compressed, On The, and Into Thin.
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