I will admit that Jackson looks more like Ian than he does me, with the light hair and blue eyes.

Here's the infant evidence.

I don't mind the joking at all. I mean...he does look like a white kid. To me he doesn't have strong Chinese features. But last Sunday, I got thrown for a loop. Ian was sick so Jackson and I went to church without him. We were sitting out in the courtyard after service enjoying the sun and conversations with people I had never met before who suddenly got friendly when they saw my little cutie. Sandra was holding Jackson...Sandra, my fair-haired, fair-skinned friend...when a woman came by to look at Jackson. She said he was cute, then asked Sandra if he was her first. She looked aghast for a moment, then pointed her thumb in my direction. I replied for her that Jackson was my first. The woman looked at me for a moment, then asked, "Is he adopted?" I wasn't sure exactly what she was thinking. I saw her scan my face and my belly, so I quickly replied, "Yeah, he got all my husband's genes, then sucked all the extra weight off me." I'm guessing she either thought he was too fair to be mine or I was too skinny to have given birth 5 weeks prior. I really don't know. For the record, I'm happy Jackson looks like Ian. A boy should look like his daddy. I'm just baffled that the laws of genetics didn't play out. Oh, well. I guess things don't always go the way they teach it to you in science classes.
My guess is that his hair and eyes may darken when he grows out of infancy - if he's anything like the halfs in my family. Like my cousin's 3 daughters were born with light-to-blonde hair (especially the middle child who looks most like the father), but not long passed before their hair turn to an unusual medium-dark brown.
But maybe it does depend on the family genes. Maybe Ian's genes are suprisingly dominant. I think it would be cool if Jackson maintains blue eyes! -juli
Did I really look aghast? No offense to the monkey!
Hmm ... if Jackson looks like Ian, and Jackson also looks just like a lima bean, what does this mean for Ian??
Yeah, I know what you mean about genes taking over. When Zane was born, no one ever said he looked like me, he was always referred to as Scott's mini me. Now especially with Audrey, not even a feature gets attributed to me. Scott's family genes come in, set up camp and then dominate. Like blue-j said he may change over time. Look at Zane, I think his looks are morphing to my side of the family more and more these days, but maybe that's just my high hopes that my genes will be represented somewhere, ANYWHERE in my offspring.
The funny thing is you and Ian look alike in this picture together... you guys haven't been married long enough to look alike already... :) what's up with that?
Your lima bean is beau-ful or should I say handsome.. he's amazin'?! :)
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