The other day I was driving home and I stopped next to one of the folks you see in the medians of the roads selling fruit. It was a particularly hot day. She was looking forlorn, and I was craving fruit, so I bought a bag of cherries. It turned out to be a rather unique bag of cherries. There were at least a dozen "special ones" in the bag. Makes you wonder what kind of chemicals the cherries got. We ended up turning it into a Rorshach test of sorts. It was more fun than looking for shapes in the clouds.

We thought the upper left one looked like a cherry with a cucumber...or perhaps a person with a nose like a muppet. The upper middle one looked like it had a jalapeno pepper attached. We also thought the whole thing looked like a bird of some sort. The upper right one was a cherry with a heart on the outside. The lower left was just siamese twin cherries...or a butt. And then there was the one on the lower right.... What do you see?
Blogging about cherries, now that's original. I like your attitude. If I were to end up with these cherries in my bag, I would have been furious about being cheated. And you had the creativity of setting them side by side for a picture!!! Well, I need to learn from you, Cla.
i see a figure plopped on a beanbag.
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