For his second day of mingling with the children of UCLA's finest young professors, my son was dressed in what's pretty much considered the baby version of a wife beater. When I came home from work today, I was rather puzzled to find him wearing this particular outfit. After all, I had pulled that "emergency onesie" out of our diaper bag late last night at a car dealership (story to come later) because Jackson released his version of yogurt all over the front of his cute "first day of school outfit." Surely Ian didn't forget to find another special outfit for his second day of school. When I diplomatically said to Ian, "You let him go to school dressed in that!!!" He just shrugged and said "It was clean." Sigh. I guess moms and dads have different perspectives on school wardrobes. Then again, Ian was the kid wearing plaid pants with striped shirts to school when everyone else had jeans and white sneakers. Fortunately, Jackson wasn't snubbed for his fashion choices. Here he is making a move on one of the two girls in his class. Go, baby!!

It looks more like the girl is making a move on Jackson! Look at where her little hand is placed. ; )
Yeah, my Mom dressed me funny and I ain't got no alibi. I figure Jackson doesn't know what he's wearing at this age, and he doesn't appreciate finer clothes yet since he's such an equal opportunity spitter-upper. As far as UCLA day-care, I survived wthout mingling with the children of anybody's finest young anythings. In fact, knowing me as I do, I'd probably stick Jackson in the closest day care that had better than a C health rating, if you go by my reputation for choosing an orthopedic surgeon for my broken ankle and ending up on Crenshaw. But it was only 1.3 miles away! So, I guess I'm a bit out of place with the finest anything when it comes to care, but if God provides it for little Jackson, then I'm certainly grateful. -Ian
That's so sweet.
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