I've been feeling a bit queasy for the past week or so. Just a low grade nausea accompanied by a slight headache and some generalized fatigue. The last time I felt like this was when I was pregnant with Jackson. And just like last year, I spent the first week living in denial. I mean, with Jackson, I didn't think it could be possible. We had only been married 5 months and I'm...uh...of advanced age. But it happened. The best little surprise of my life. This time around, I had a longer period of denial. After all, I've only recently showed biological signs of a return to fertility. Who on earth has babies 14 months apart? Certainly not in Los Angeles. So on Sunday, Jackson's 7 month birthday, I decided to end the denial. I dusted off my EPT (early pregnancy test, for those of you not in the know) and put it to work again. Ian was compelled to sit in the bathroom with me. I didn't want to face reality so Ian had to look for me....

Whew! Much as we would love to have another child, we'd sure like to wait a little while longer.
you could use the ept more than once?? I didn't know that...
"advanced in age?" C'mon, you're not Sarah or anything!
oh wow...as i was slowly scrolling down, i seriously thought you were gonna say you were pregnant. maybe another time then.
you didn't use the same one, right?!?!
No, no. I didn't use the same ept. That was long ago disposed of. Because if I used the same one, it might have said "pregnant" instead. It was the same indicator stick and kit.
better luck next time!
Is it so LA of me that my first reaction was "Well, Britney Spears had two children 12 months apart." ?
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