Friday, January 26, 2007

Jackson has a tail

Last night we were at small group. I took Jackson into what the Lorenzes call "the yellow room," which is where Jackson and his little 3 year old friend sometimes play while we adults engage in our small group activities. It was time for his diaper change. I wasn't sure if I should wait until the little girl left before changing his diaper, since they are of opposite genders. Then I figured it probably didn't matter, since kids are generally rather asexual. So she hung around while I did the dirty deed. As soon as I uncovered his...uh...diaper area, she laughed and pointed. "Look!" she exclaimed, "Jackson has a tail!" I figured I wouldn't correct her. Better to let her live in innocence just a little while longer.


1 comment:

Katwoman said...

this is hillarious! I love this posting.