It's hard to believe it's been one year already. And it's been such an adventure. Quite early on, we regularly prayed that Jackson's life would eventually be used to draw people to God. He's such a happy baby, we're thinking that God may be on His way to answering that prayer. Now we have to continue to pray that he would grow to follow Jesus.
So much to express about this first year, but it's late, so I'll just leave you with these fun pictures.

Yeah, good times.
Happy Birthday! to Jackson...He HAS grown so much since I last saw him.
BTW---Hello Clarice :-D
Happy 1st Birthday Jack Jack! Looks like you really enjoyed the cake icing!!
happy birthday jack-jack. congrats on making through your first year. there's lots more fun to be had. especially when you get to come visit me. hugs, auntie cal.
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