Monday, June 08, 2009

Jackson Prays

A bit after Kiran was born, Ian decided to start a family tradition, modeled on his own family. So every night after the kids bathe, we all gather around the large papasan chair in the kids' room and read one Bible story, ask Jackson what he would like to pray for, and then pray together. So for almost a year, we've been taking turns praying out loud for Jackson and Kiran to hear.

Over the past month, Jackson has been rather unfocused with the whole process of talking about what to pray for. In fact, he's been downright uninterested. But for whatever reason, he stayed focused tonight. When we asked him what he wanted to pray for, he began listing some things, "trucks, cars, friends, the big blue chair, family 'votions, the map..." "What about your sister?" Ian suggested, "Remember how she's been sick?" (with her 5th ear infection in as many months). Then, as he often does, Ian asked Jackson if he would like to pray. Usually, Jackson refuses, volunteering Ian or myself. But tonight, he decided to pray:

"Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for... all those things we talked about. Thank you for family 'votions. And pray for my infection. get better. Pray for the.....the....the.....blelelellelel. Pray for my bed, and Kiran's bed, and mommydaddy's bed. Um........ InJesusnamewesomefing. AMEN!!"

Well. It's a start.


1 comment:

Faetryn said...

haha. you rock jacks! never thought about praying for beds before.