So when I went to pick him up from daycare the last time he wore these pants, his teacher had a story to tell me. She told me that during circle time they were singing "Five Little Monkeys", but instead of singing "monkeys", they were substituting the names of each child and having them jump up and down. When it was Jackson's turn they started singing "five little Jacksons, jumping on the bed..." Well as Jackson was jumping up and down his pants started falling down. The teacher said that the rest of the kids started laughing when they saw that. So Jackson stopped for a moment, enjoying the laughter, then started jumping up and down even faster until his pants reached his ankles. I wonder which of his parents Jackson got the performing bug from....
And if you needed more evidence of his ken for performing, here's a little clip of Jackson performing portions of his favorite songs for the camera.
And the tricks that earn the affections of our friends, his repertoire of facial expressions.
More little clips can be found on our newly started family YouTube site
Claw! The other day at daycare, Harper showed up and was eagering awaiting Jackson. I think that was the wknd that Jack Jack was sick. Anyways, just thought that was really dear and wanted to share with you. Hope you are doing exceptionally well!
hey Clare, there's something about all of Jackson's expressions that remind me of your quirkiness...
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