So on Tuesday, we had an ultrasound. The doctor ordered one a bit earlier than normal because he wanted to know if there were any signs of the "stigmata" associated with the two chromosomal abnormalities in which we tested high. The ultrasound technician looked at everything that might be affected by the disorder. She found normal heart, abdominal wall, limbs, digits, cranial vault, palate and lip (which I was worried about), ears. Everything checked out. I don't think I realized how anxious I was until I realized how relieved I was to hear a good report from the technician. We know there's always a possibility that something else might happen along the way, but for now, we are so thankful for this report. And we thank you for your encouragement, support, and prayers.
Oh, I almost forgot. The ultrasound technician also took a visual tour of the...uh...gender-defining area of Bright Flower. What she said indicated that Bright Flower won't have to change her womb name. She's a she!!
Here she is in all her prenatal glory!

All I can say is, "God is Amazing" and she has big feet...=D
She almost look Jackson-ish already. Congratulations to you both!
I was gonna comment that she already looks a bit like Jack-Jack... but Jules took my words.
wow... she's beautiful!
and oops! i forgot to wish you and ian HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! what a wonderful way to celebrate!
Amazing news!!
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