Monday, April 13, 2009

Does he look like Tom Selleck?

A stunt coordinator for whom Ian has worked is coordinating an action comedy featuring Tom Selleck. Since Ian is the same height as Magnum PI, he decided to remind the coordinator that he could possibly double Mr Three Men and Baby. What do you think?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Now that Jackson is getting older, we are attempting to get him more involved in the special events that we remember. So this year we decided to decorate Easter Eggs on good Friday.

Not bad for a 3 year old...and a set of parents.

We dressed Kiran up in her Easter finest (thanks, Aunt Amy!)

Not sure how she liked being in a dress.

Kiran got dropped off at children's church so that Ian and I got to sit through a full church service...the first time since Kiran was born. And it was a refreshing one!

Jackson got to hear the Easter story at children's church and had an art activity to remember the day.

We tried to take a family picture to mark the day. This was the best we could get using our tripod.

We had a very....unique Easter dinner.

Jackson showed us some of the bounty he picked up in his Easter egg hunt at church.

Then he got to enjoy the special surprise that Tia Ceci from Mommy's work gave him.

He liked that part.

Happy Easter!!


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Kiran's New Tricks

Here's our little one at 8 months of age performing most of her recent tricks.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Mommy, We're Snuggling

I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when Jackson called out to me. "Mommy, we're snuggling", he declared. And this is how I found them...

...enjoying some TV time together. Big brother and little sister.
