Friday, December 29, 2006

Great American Adventure

Today is day 2 of our Great American Adventure. We're taking the train from Atlanta to Los Angeles. It wasn't our original plan. We were to fly back to LA early enough to give us a few days to clean house (now that Jackson is crawling) before the New Year and the return to work. But I had a little mishap on the flight to Atlanta. Somewhere over Los Angeles, my eardrum tore. Apparently high pressure and congestion don't mix. The doctor I saw in Atlanta said it would be quite risky to fly again. My eardrum was healing well, but would be very susceptible to a repeat injury. So we're spending three days seeing America from the window of a train. I've always wanted to do this (once retired, and not with an infant). So we're making the best of it. Jackson's been great. He's making friends with everyone. Hopefully, we'll have some tales to tell and pictures to show when we return on New Year's Eve.


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