Monday, December 15, 2008


Today was my birthday.

I'm getting old enough that I don't really need to celebrate. And, much as I love going out to eat, the kids complicate things enough that I preferred staying home for a simple dinner with my nuclear family tonight. It was a peaceful, relaxing evening. And my husband bought me the perfect gift. He figured out a little luxury that I would really appreciate.

But the part that warmed my heart was receiving text messages and email messages wishing me happy birthday. They came from all over the state (and two from the other side of the world) from people whom I love, but don't keep up with as much as I would like. I felt blessed that they remembered my birthday and took the time to send birthday greetings. Thank you, my friends and family, for blessing me with your well wishes!



Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Clare!

Whenever I saw the date today, I thought of you. (And I'm glad to see that you survived the recent shoe droppage. Or lack of droppage.)

Shuwen said...

Happy Birthday Clarice!