Saturday, February 07, 2009

A Dangerous Moment

We've been trying to teach Jackson to be safe. He's not allowed off the sidewalk. He has to hold hands to cross the street. He has to check both ways before we cross. And if there's a car coming, he has to make sure the driver can see him. We've been working so hard at teaching him these street safety rules. Most of the time he remembers these rules.

Well we had a dangerous moment this afternoon. Somehow Jackson ended up riding his tricycle down the middle of the street. Ian just happened to have a camera rolling.

OK. Just kidding. Ian was messing around with greenscreen effects. Funny, huh?



Anonymous said...


auntie Linda

TheNeedyMother said...

I think I just lost my mind for a moment there... wow... this could be the new "dancing baby" on the internet.