Sunday, January 08, 2012

Things Our Kids Say

We've been posting to Facebook more frequently than Blogspot lately. But Ian and I have decided to post here first for our non-Facebook friends and family.

Conversation with the girl upon picking her up from her first day back at school in the New Year.
Me: So, who did you play with today?
Kiran: Jophes and Mei Mei.
Me: Oh. I didn't know Joseph was back from vacation.
Kiran: He is. But Mei Mei isn't.
Me: I thought you said you played with Mei Mei today.
Kiran: (exasperated) I was just pwetending that Jophes was Mei Mei.
Me: Oh. OK. And did Joseph like it when you pretended he was Mei Mei?
Kiran: (glibly) No. He didn't

Conversation with the boy upon observing dogs being walked in the Botanical Gardens at UCLA
Me: I'd want to take a walk in the garden if I were a dog
Jackson: I'd want to take a walk in the garden if I were a cat....but I wouldn't want to be a cat because you'd chase me.
Me: What?
Jackson: You're a dog, so you'd chase me if I were a cat.

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