Friday, May 19, 2006


Jackson has 4 living grandparents and 1 great-grandmother. We've been trying to figure out what he should call them. We're still trying to figure out the grandmothers, but I think we have some good ideas for the grandfathers.

Ian's dad, John, is from England. Apparently, the preferred name among the Brits is Granda. That didn't stick so well with his 2 other grandsons (who can talk). I started calling him Papa John when Ian and I got married. I think Papa John will stick for Jackson as well.

My dad, Timothy, is from Hong Kong. In Cantonese, the maternal grandfather is called gung-gung (as opposed to yeh-yeh for the paternal grandfather). It works sometimes. But since my father has been so very, very, very active in capturing Jackson's every move in digital form, we think maybe we'll have Jackson call him Papa Razzi.



Jules said...

Really? You mean in England they don't just say grandfather. Or more like "grand-fah-tha".
-jules :)

Anonymous said...

funny clarie cleyre

TheNeedyMother said...

We were just explaining these concepts of Cantonese to Clee's Steve the other night as he remarked how hard it was already to keep track of this Uncle vs. that Auntie. ... I love it - keep them on their toes!