Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Look Who's Talking

So now that Jackson's (almost) mastered walking and running, he's moved on to advancing his verbal skills. It's so adorable. We hear him in the morning when he wakes up talking to his stuffed "swamp cat." Just babbling away in his little precious voice. Other times, he'll point at something, look at us expectantly and say something like, "belaka chp num pekatu cho...um...bao bao?" We don't know what he's saying half the time, but he's clearly mastered some words. The words don't always sound like they're supposed to, however. But since we have to listen to him all the time, we've started piecing together what some of his words actually mean. So here's the first edition of the Claweyre translation of the Jackson lexicon of language.

TRANSPORT (he likes wheels and anything attached to wheels):
bus = bus
cah = car (slight Boston accent, since that's where he first came into existence)
ehpane = airplane
ehcop = helicopter

ow-di = outside
moo = moon
tree = tree
kys = sky

mao mao = cat
wo wo = dog
ba ba = lamb
bur = bird
cow = cow

cheese = cheese
nilk = milk
wah = water
bao bao = Chinese for bread (yes, our boy is developing bilingual tendencies)
ooof = orange
ba = banana
bok = broccoli
appo = apple
appo = grape
appo = cherry
appo = pear

bye bye = bye bye
hi = hi
peesh = please
keeku = thank you
nonononononono = I don't want to say sorry

and our personal favorite....
ow Ow = I love you

I'm hoping he grows out of "ow Ow" before he meets his future wife. But for now, it's darn cute.



Faetryn said...

gah. kill me now. so cute!!

Julie Gamponia said...

Like that he can say "cah" with the classic Boston accent!