Monday, February 25, 2008

Jackson's First Sporting Event

Ian got some free tickets to a Clipper game last Wednesday. I had never been to a professional basketball game (nor football, nor hockey, although I've seen professional soccer and baseball - Angels, Dodgers, AND Red Sox). We thought it might be a fun thing to try for the first time. We tried to think of some babysitting options for Jackson, but then it was Monday and we hadn't planned anything yet. So we figured, hey, kids under the age of 3 are free; we should just bring him (note the use of the now-obscure semi-colon). So we got to the Staples Center a bit early and before ascending to our seats in the nosebleed section, we bought some huge hot dogs to eat for dinner (don't tell my OB/GYN I consumed nitrates). Jackson loves hot dogs ("I like hot doggies").

It turned out that Jackson had the most fun of the three of us. For the first half of the first quarter (would that be the first eighth?) he couldn't even pay attention to his beloved hot dog. He was having such a fun time cheering when the other fans would cheer and clapping along to the incessant music that was playing (thankfully not on the organ the whole time). We don't think he had any clue about what was going on miles away down on the court, but he sure sensed the excitement in the arena. Once he had enough of the music and the cheering, he started watching the two boys seated behind us. They looked to be about 8 or 9. Jackson kept on waving to them and saying "Hi, little boys". He started copying what they were doing. Fortunately, he had finished his hot dog by this time.

Then for the second quarter, he discovered the stairs up the arena. He kept climbing up and down and saying "hi" to all the people he encountered. He made quite a few acquaintances.

But then he got bored and it was getting close to his bedtime, so we left at the beginning of the second half. I have no idea what happened in the game. I think the Clippers were playing the Memphis Grizzlies (are there grizzlies in Memphis?). I think I saw a couple of 3-pointers and a few steals and one really cool fake-out lay-up. But most of the time, I just enjoyed watching Jackson enjoy his new experience. It will be great when he actually understands what's happening down on the court (or field or diamond). Now I just have to find out who actually won the game we were supposed to see while we were watching Jackson.



Unknown said...

Clare- The Grizzlies entered the NBA in 1995 as an expansion team in Vancouver and later moved to Memphis, hence the team name.

Anonymous said...

Hey Clare, I share the same sentiment...i.e. the heck with what's going on, it is more fun watching these little ones react to new things, new people, and new environment!!

Auntie Linda