Thursday, October 09, 2008

No, buddy, that's a girl's toy

I was working at the practice today. It's our tradition to let the kids pick a little toy as a reward for their "good behavior" in the dental chair. A little four year old boy was going through the treasure chest trying to decide what he wanted. When he finally picked a pretty pink bracelet, his mom blurted out, "No, buddy, that's a girl's toy!" Poor little Mikey had to choose an alternate, a military figure with a parachute attached to his back.

I laughed to myself. Neither Ian nor I have ever said that to Jackson. His first toys were all gender neutral, although I will admit that they were mostly blue or green in color. I was being practical. We expected to have more children and I thought gender neutral toys would be more economical if we had a girl in the future (which we do). At day care, they offered gender neutral toys, but they also had a wide assortment of dolls, pretty dress up clothes, and cooking utensils mixed in with the trucks and blocks and balls. Jackson has naturally gravitated toward the trucks and blocks. It's so clear to me that he likes the things that little boys are expected to like. But I've also realized that it really doesn't matter what kinds of toys he likes at this age. He has plenty of time to develop his masculinity. And it will come. There's something very, very boylike written on his soul.


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